Princess Diana's Secret Tape Revealed

A tape containing advice to her son William Princess Diana was revealed in the last week, September 2013. The record contains the expression of Diana's feelings and counsels to her son. According to a businessman, Lana Marks, recorded on the tape is similar to Princess Diana talks to him.

"The tape is expected to be made several months before Diana died," said a resource person, as quoted, Saturday, September 28, 2013.

Entrepreneur Lana Marks, who also designed the bag for Princess Diana, gasped when the tape was played to him. "Oh my God, I know his choice of words, the way he would say such things and this sounds exactly like him."

"I knew Diana very well over the last 18 months of her life. Diana talking to me in detail what she wanted to William in the case of a wife, children and the future of William. This is a wonderful thing."

The existence of the tape was revealed by the U.S. magazine Globe. In the recording, Diana ordered that later William and his future wife, his children can appreciate. According to the magazine, Diana also imagine that William will be getting a beautiful wife, intelligent and independent.

On the tape, Diana also revealed what she would later tell the daughter, "I know I adore you and we will be fast friends. However you have to be really special. Otherwise, you will not be the wife of William. "

Lana Marks also added that Diana wishes to obtain a dark-haired daughter has also become a reality. "The figure of Kate really liking Diana.  She even said that William's wife will have dark hair."


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